26 Oct Knuffel tegen Eenzaamheid supported by International Women Club South Limburg
On October 21, during the official online monthly meeting of the International Women Club South Limburg (IWC-SL) our organization was officially chosen an official charity of the year of this unique club.
The International Women’s Club of South Limburg in the Netherlands was founded in February 1985 as a non-profit organisation. There are 135 members from 49 countries. The primary purpose of the Club is to bring together women of all nationalities living in the area of South Limburg, promoting friendship, sharing mutual interests and extending support and information to newcomers.
Ms Monique Caelen, president of the IWC-SL: ‘’In these weird times the Charity Project, ‘Knuffel tegen Eenzaamheid’, is a bull’s eye. We are so honoured and grateful, that our Club has the possibility to work for this beautiful project. It will be a challenge how we can raise money in these strange times. But I am sure that with the help of so many smart and creative ladies, we can make it happen!’’
It is also a huge honour for us since it means that this unique club recognizes and shares our wish to make together the difference for all those who need our support, love and attention. For us it can be a small gesture, for those in need it means this feeling that somebody cares about them, thinks about them and is with them. This feeling of belonging gives them strength and joy in difficult moments of their illness and loneliness. Especially now in these difficult Covid 19 times, lonely times, our support is of crucial importance.
Therefore we are happy and thankful for the support of the International Women Club.
International Women Club South Limburg will collect donations for our organization this year so that we could reach more people in need. Since our organization has no paid management and staff all the donations go direct to people in need.
Website of the International Women Club: https://www.iwc-sl.nl/
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